What The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy taught me about Life, the Universe and Everything!
The year was 2005.I'd just started studying at a new school, and discovering the joys (?) of being a teen. My first tryst with 'board exams' was over, and I was bored out of my mind. The internet was a fairly recent discovery for me courtesy my big brother, and I was on a music and anime downloading frenzy. I needed more to read. School was closed for the holidays and summer consisted of boringly long days in Gurgaon.So I raided the brother's bookshelf and he got me all excited about this curious book called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The cover said 'A trilogy in four parts'. It made me grin and wonder what to look forward to. Sidenote: be sure to check out Project Bibliotherapy's fascinating and exhaustive guide to H2G2: